Start-up mentor | Aivars Lipenitis | Aivars Lipenitis

Start-up mentor usually is a professional with an impressive experience, deep knowledge and valuable contact network in an industry, region, or specialization.
Being Alchemist Accelerator start-up mentor and sales coach, Aivars Lipenitis helps start-up teams – promising, innovative B2B technology product developers – develop an international development and expansion strategy, market research, share knowledge about markets and regions as well as advise on, investor relations, effective marketing, sales, and partnership management.
In addition to involvement with the leading enterprise product accelerator in Silicon Valley, USA, Aivars Lipenitis also shares his knowledge, positive and negative experience, contacts with other start-up founders directly or through other acceleration programs, Riga – Cambridge Venture Camp, WeldGalaxy by FundingBox, BlockStart, Osiris Silver Economy, or NASA Space App Challenge to mention some.
Aivars Lipenitis is also the Global Expert at Blockchain Founders Fund, adding value to emerging technology & blockchain projects with real world business approach.